Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stretching to Avoid Injuries in Running

Magic Six, Plus Two

George Sheehan recommended his "magic six" stretches in several of his columns and in his book "Running To Win", Rodale Press,1991. Dr. Pribut recommends a slightly modified version of Dr. Sheehan's Magic Six for runners:

Magic Six, Plus Two
Wall Push-Up: This is basically the calf stretch. My version stretches one leg at a time. Stand with the rear foot approximately two to three feet from the wall. The rear leg should be straight, the front leg is bent and your hands touch the wall. Feet point straight ahead, heels are on the ground. Hold for 10 seconds, switch legs, repeat 10 times.

Hamstring Stretch: Straighten one leg, place it, with the knee locked, on a foot stool. Bend your body and bring your head towards the leg. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Switch sides, repeat 10 times.

Knee Clasp: Lie on a firm surface. A carpeted floor or grass is best. Bring both knees to your chest. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. This stretches the hamstrings and lower back.

Chest Push-Up: Lie on the floor with your abdoman pressed flat on to the floor. Place your hands flat on the floor, beneath your shoulders. Push your chest up with your arms and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Backward Stretch: While standing straight, place the palms of your hands against the small of your back. Tighten your buttocks and bend backwards. Hold for 10 seconds, relax, repeat 5 times.

Shin Splinter: This is performed to strenthen the shins. Sit on a table with your legs dangling over the side. Place a 3 to 5 pound weight over your toes. Flex your foot at the ankle (bend it up). Hold for 6 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Straight Leg Lifts: This is performed to strengthen the quadriceps. Lying on the floor. Flex one knee to approximately a right angle. Lift the other leg rapidly to between 30 and 60 degrees. Lower and repeat 10 times. Switch legs, repeat 5 times and work up to 10 sets of 10 repetitions.

Bent Leg Sit-Up: This strenthens the abdominals. Dr. Sheehan recommended that the sit up be a gradual one rather than a rapid thrust forward. It should feel as if you are moving forward one vertebrae at a time. Lie on the floor with your knees bend. Come forward to a postion 30 degrees from the floor. Lie back and then repeat 20 times.

Since almost no runner will perform 8 exercises, even if disguised as 6 + 2, I have selected 4 of the above exercises that really should be done and 1 more to do if you have "runner's knee". I call these these:

Hopeful 4, Plus One:

Wall Push-Up: This stretches the achilles and calf muscles one leg at a time. Stand with the rear foot approximately two to three feet from the wall. The rear leg should be straight, the front leg is bent and your hands touch the wall. Feet point straight ahead, heels are on the ground. Hold for 10 seconds, switch legs, repeat 10 times.

Hamstring Stretch: Straighten one leg, place it, with the knee locked, on a foot stool. Bend your body and bring your head towards the leg. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Switch sides, repeat 10 times.

Knee Clasp: Lie on a firm surface. A carpeted floor or grass is best. Bring both knees to your chest. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. This stretches the hamstrings and lower back.

Bent Leg Sit-Up: This strenthens the abdominals. Dr. Sheehan recommended that the sit up be a gradual one rather than a rapid thrust forward. It should feel as if you are moving forward one vertebrae at a time. Lie on the floor with your knees bend. Come forward to a postion 30 degrees from the floor. Lie back and then repeat 20 times.

Straight Leg Lifts: This is performed to strengthen the quadriceps. Lying on the floor. Flex one knee to approximately a right angle. Lift the other leg rapidly to between 30 and 60 degrees. Lower and repeat 10 times. Switch legs, repeat 5 times and work up to 10 sets of 10 repetitions. This is best performed while watching the evening news or "sports extra."

Source: http://www.drpribut.com/sports/stayout.html

KVSSNRAO, 10th May 2006

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